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Welding Firms Urged to Get CE Accredited

CE Marking for fabricated structural steelwork became mandatory 12 months ago. However despite it being the biggest piece of legislation to impact on the structural steel industry in recent times there seems to be a limited awareness of the opportunities it presents. Only a relatively small proportion of fabricators and contractors have become accredited to
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CE Marking for fabricated structural steelwork became mandatory 12 months ago. However despite it being the biggest piece of legislation to impact on the structural steel industry in recent times there seems to be a limited awareness of the opportunities it presents. Only a relatively small proportion of fabricators and contractors have become accredited to CE Mark their products – which means they are missing out on valuable opportunities for growth. Without the BSEN 1090 accreditation, fabricators and contractors are unable to provide any constituent structural products (for example steel beams, bolts etc) or fabricated elements and systems made from these products. This means they are unable to supply a whole host of projects including those involving many of the major construction firms, some of whom now require proof of accreditation as part of the tender process. With the Construction Products Association recording growth in all key areas of the UK construction market and more to come, businesses should be seizing the opportunity this presents. We have seen firms experience a sales uplift of up to 60% following accreditation, due to the increasing size of the potential market and export possibilities. Becoming accredited is a fairly straightforward process. As well as ensuring that the correct policies and procedures are in place one of the main requirements is to have an appointed Responsible Welding Co-ordinator (RWC) at each company. This is a qualified and experienced individual with technical knowledge, qualifications and a full understanding of welding quality procedures. All this contributes towards ensuring that quality is maintained within the industry. Failure to comply with the regulation can result in suspension notices, application for forfeiture and even fines and imprisonment. For more information on and advice on the accreditation process and what’s involved visit www.fosterindustrial.co.uk/CE-marking.
This entry was posted on June 22, 2020
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