Mild Steel Arc Welding Rods

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Oerlikon Fincord M Electrodes 2.5mm -4.1 Kg
£58.56 (Ex VAT)
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Oerlikon Fincord M Electrodes 4.0 mm 5.1 Kg
£69.80 (Ex VAT)
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Bohler Spezial D 2.5 mm (7 x 2 Kg Dry System)
£343.00 (Ex VAT)
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Bohler Spezial D 3.2 mm (9 x 3 kg Dry System)
£374.35 (Ex VAT)
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Bohler Spezial D 4.0mm (9 x 3 kg Dry System)
£546.00 (Ex VAT)
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Bohler Spezial D 5.0mm (20.4 kg carton)
£428.25 (Ex VAT)
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Bohler Fox EV50 Vac-pac Electrodes 2.5mm
£39.60 (Ex VAT)
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Bohler Fox EV50 Vac-Pack Electrodes 3.2mm
£38.42 (Ex VAT)
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Elga P45 Welding Rods 2.0mm
£16.01 (Ex VAT)
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Bohler Fox EV50 Vac-pack Electrodes 4.0mm
£43.14 (Ex VAT)
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Oerlikon Citocut Electrodes 3.25mm
£75.31 (Ex VAT)
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Oerlikon Citocut Electrodes 4.0mm
£68.79 (Ex VAT)
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What are the characteristics of a 6013 welding rod?

6013 welding electrodes  offer a smooth arc, low spatter and easy slag removal. This welding rod is designed for use where there is poor fit up in the joint and for making multiple passes. Layer upon layer can be deposited, creating a sound weld. This welding rod is generally all positional, with certain electrodes having flux variations, offering more suitability to overhead welding and vertically up & down.  The 6013 classification is renowned for being user friendly, creating a smooth inside root and nice finish.

We stock a range of 6013 welding electrodes, including the Bohler QE 6013 RC, which is designed for light to medium penetration, all purpose welding. These rods are to be used on carbon steel and can be used on any polarity. We sell these in a range of diameters from 2.5mm to 4.0mm.

Another alternative is the Oerlikon Fincord M, a medium Coated 6013 electrode. This welding rod is excellent in the overhead position and for fillet welding in horizontal-vertical postion. We stock Fincord M in diameters  2.5mm, 3.25mm and 4.0mm.

What are the characteristics of low hydrogen welding electrodes?

Low hydrogen electrodes due to their flux outer coating, are used for creating strong crack resistant welds and have very good mechanical properties. Designed for welding carbon manganese steels with high tensile strength.

Typically, these electrodes are stored at temperature or rebaked in a drying oven, as they absorb moisture and must be kept in a warm area. Drying ovens can rebake low hydrogen electrodes to the temperature required. Vacuum packed product also assists with this process, being hermetically sealed & sold in daily use packaging.

What is the difference between a 7016 & 7018 welding rod?

7016 & 7018 welding rods are both basic low hydrogen electrodes, but 7018's have iron powder added to the flux. This adds to the amount of metal deposited & is often termed as a high recovery electrode.

Here's a couple of  low hydrogen product picks:

7018; Bohler EV50 vac packed  unalloyed , basic coated 7018 stick electrodes are a good fit when looking for high quality welds on unalloyed steels. The iron powder metal content means metal recovery is approximately 110 %  & the toughness properties can go down to minus 50 °C. EV50's are 'Dry System' vacuum packed in 350 & 450mm lengths and 2.5, 3.25 & 4.0mm diameters.

7016; The 7016 electrode is great for out of position welding thanks to it's controlled arc and has great root penetration. Bohler's Phoenix Spezial D with it's very easy slag removal leads the field. This product is vacuum packed, reducing throw away & avialable in 2.5, 3.25, 4.0 & 5.0 mm diameters. Great welder appeal, with a smooth arc condition.


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