Metal cored hardfacing wires, such us as UTP's Robotic 600 Chromeless wire offer reduced spatter, smooth wetting and are considered more welder friendly than solid wires. Their stable arc lowers the defect rate and reduces post weld clean up.
A seamless design a copper coated surface provides excellent arc stability and resistance to porosity and rust formation.
In the case of the UTP Chromeless product, the removal of chrome & nickel, means there is a reduction in hazardous welding fume particulate.
Hardfacing 350 has greater impact resistance and is fully machinable, where as the HF600 is not. Hardfacing 600 is grind only. HF350 can be deposited layer upon layer, potentially offering greater hardness than a HF600 or HF960 wire.
Typically, you would select a HF600 wire, for good level abrasion resistance and the overlaying of wear resistant parts, such as digger teeth.
We've teamed up with manufacturers UTP, Bohler, Hobart & IABCO to supply flux cored, self shielding MIG wires that are ideal for outdoor conditions & IABCO HF600 which is a quality solid MIG wire requiring shielding gas.